interior photo tea shop boston kenmore square laboratory like space, aluminum countertop, distorted perspective, pyramid ceiling, shinmio

Shinmio Tea

Status: Completed - 2021

Team: FDA (Architecture + Interior), Zade Associates (MEP/FP), Reflex Lighting, NAMU (Millwork), S K Builders (G.C.)

Location: Boston, MA

Project Type: Restaurant

shinmio Boston exterior view 900 beacon street
exploded axonometric tea shop boston kenmore square laboratory like space, aluminum countertop, distorted perspective, pyramid ceiling, shinmio

Shinmio is a 450-square-foot take-out tea shop where two young owners set out to create a laboratory-like space to experiment with and serve modern teas infused with Chinese influences. Given the compact footprint, the layout had to be meticulously organized to maintain an efficient flow for tea-making and testing. Equally important was the articulation of the main service area, where the tea-making process becomes a focal point of the space.

interior photo tea shop boston kenmore square laboratory like space, aluminum countertop, distorted perspective, pyramid ceiling, shinmio
plan composition diagram tea shop boston kenmore square laboratory like space, aluminum countertop, distorted perspective, pyramid ceiling, shinmio
interior photo tea shop boston kenmore square laboratory like space, aluminum countertop, distorted perspective, pyramid ceiling, shinmio

To create a clean and presentable display area, a dedicated back-of-house section was introduced, allowing tall equipment and the messier aspects of preparation to remain hidden from the main hall. At the same time, the ceiling was strategically lifted to take advantage of any available vertical space within the tightly packed network of utility pipes, HVAC equipment, and ducts, visually expanding the interior.

construction photo K&S builder tea shop boston kenmore square laboratory like space, aluminum countertop, distorted perspective, pyramid ceiling, shinmio

Building of pyramid ceiling to the bottom of deck above avoiding conflict with utility lines.

k&s builder tea shop boston kenmore square laboratory like space, aluminum countertop, distorted perspective, pyramid ceiling, shinmio
Shinmio Finish material palette, frosted glass, custom finish aluminum plate countertop, mirror finish stainless steel

The result is a carefully composed environment divided into four distinct zones: welcome, waiting, pick-up, and tea service. The material palette was developed with both ease of maintenance and a laboratory-like aesthetic in mind, reinforcing the shop’s experimental spirit.

section diagram tea shop boston kenmore square laboratory like space, aluminum countertop, distorted perspective, pyramid ceiling, shinmio
section diagram tea shop boston kenmore square laboratory like space, aluminum countertop, distorted perspective, pyramid ceiling, shinmio
interior photo tea shop boston kenmore square laboratory like space, aluminum countertop, distorted perspective, pyramid ceiling, shinmio
condiment station interior photo tea shop boston kenmore square laboratory like space, aluminum countertop, distorted perspective, pyramid ceiling, shinmio
frosted glass interior photo tea shop boston kenmore square laboratory like space, aluminum countertop, distorted perspective, pyramid ceiling, shinmio
wall mount bench interior photo tea shop boston kenmore square laboratory like space, aluminum countertop, distorted perspective, pyramid ceiling, shinmio
aluminum counter finish testing interior photo tea shop boston kenmore square laboratory like space, aluminum countertop, distorted perspective, pyramid ceiling, shinmio